
Yescoin Listing Date:  Will It Become the Next Big Cryptocurrency?

By Tiera Cowden


Reviewed by: Tiera Cowden


Yescoin Listing Date

The cryptocurrency industry is buzzing with the news of the Listing of YesCoin. This is a “swipe-to-earn” gaming token.

Yescoin has gained a lot of attention through its unique gameplay features and growing user base. As the listing date is near there are speculations that this can become the next cryptocurrency. Let’s get to know about all this in detail. 

What Is Yescoin?

Yescoin was launched in May 2024, it combined gaming with financial incentives through its unique “swipe-to-earn” gaming feature. Their concept is simple yet very engaging making it easy for people with little to no knowledge about cryptocurrency to engage with it.

Players need to swipe their screens and collect coins, that’s all they need to do. And as they play more and collect more coins they move from different rankings like bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond. Higher leagues or ranking means better rewards that ultimately lead players to stay active and climb up more ranks. 

Yescoin is unique because it has a feature called Yespac. This is an automated coin collection system that allows players to earn more tokens even when they are not actively playing. This is like passive earning without doing anything which makes this game very popular. 

After its launch in just a few months, YesCoin has gained an amazing user base of 18 million players and nearly 8 million members in its Telegram channel. This rapid growth shows the demand, appeal and engagement of this game which is very important for new crypto games to rise.

What Is Yescoin

When Is Yescoin Listing?

An exact date has not been announced regarding the listing of Yescoin but it is anticipated that that listing can happen before 1st October 2024. It has hinted that more details about it will be provided in the coming days. 

The listing process of Yescoin will begin with Token Generation ( TGE ) on October 1st, marking the creation and distribution of Yescoin tokens to early adopters, early investors and early participants. After the TGE, it is planned to reward the active users with an airdrop which will be conducted in November 2024. 

Yescoin is ready to be listed on 5 major exchange platforms in the beginning: 

  • OK 
  • Bitget 
  • ByBit 
  • HashKey 
  • BingX
  • Binance 

Does Yescoin Have To Potential To Become The Next Big Cryptocurrency?

Yescoin’s could become the next big cryptocurrency because of multiple reasons like: 

  • Fast-growing user base: Just a few months after its launch Yescoin gained a huge user base which has shown its potential in the cryptocurrency space. 
  • Big exchange listings: Being listed on major exchange platforms will bring in so much attention and increase the accessibility to a wider audience, especially new investors. 
  • Unique game: The swipe-to-earn game is one of the easiest ways to earn cryptocurrency. It combines mobile games with financial rewards which can be accessed easily by gamers and crypto investors. 
  • Passive income: Passive income is everyone’s dream. And Yescoin’s Yespica feature makes it happen. Even if you don’t play the game you can easy coins and rewards. This feature is very unique and getting tons of attention. 
  • Engagement: Yescoin’s active and huge community mainly on platforms like Telegram shows its strong user base and loyal audience. 

Becoming the next big cryptocurrency is not easy and quite challenging because the crypto market is very volatile, market conditions, regulatory environment and the ability of the project to deliver what it claims. 

Risks And Profits Of Yescoin 

With any cryptocurrency comes profits and risks since the cryptocurrency is highly volatile leading to changes at times. Here are the profits and risks of Yescoin: 

Profits of Yescoin: 

  • Early adopters could get significant returns if the token value increases because this is a fast growing project. 
  • Becoming a part of airdrop events could provide you with additional tokens at no cost. 
  • Active players can get coins through regular gaming and special events as well. 
  • If Yescoin gains more attention it will rise in trading it will increase the price of the token. 

Risks of Yescoin: 

  • The crypto market is highly volatile which causes extreme price fluctuations meaning Yescoin can not be spared of these changes too. 
  • The play-to-earn games space is becoming very crowded as there are tons of such games already in the market, so Yescoin will have to add new features and keep on changing to be different from others. 
  • Changes in crypto regulations could affect Yescoin’s value and adoption. 
  • Yescoin could face technical issues leading to lowering its value. 

Final Lookout 

Yescoin is a unique and simple game through which you can easily earn tokens and rewards. With its listing date coming it is bound to get more attention and engagement. It is also being listed on some major exchange platforms which can take this coin to new heights.

However, its path to becoming a major cryptocurrency is not easy due to its risks and the crypto market’s volatility. So before getting into the world of Yescoin do your research and know your goals. 

Tiera Cowden

British crypto writer and professional investor. Analyses digital asset markets and blockchain developments. Provides insights on cryptocurrency trends and investment strategies.

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