Having a baby is an exciting time and baby showers are a great reason for friends, families, and colleagues to get together to celebrate the joy of the baby’s arrival. Including some fun games that break the ice will be a great way to make the event more engaging and memorable for everyone. We have collected a few of our favorite games you can include in your baby shower party.
Most of these games are easy to pull off in a short time and don’t require too many props for you to organize. You have a lot of things to plan from the food, the theme, and the games. And you want the best for everything. There is no need to worry about the party entertainment with these games. Arrange for three to five distinct games,
10 Best Fun Baby Shower Games:
Let’s explore some fun baby shower game ideas that everyone will enjoy. These games are sure to spark up some lively conversations and get your guests laughing and enjoying the day.

1. Dirty Diaper
This is one of the quirkiest baby shower games that can be played by kids and adults alike. It might sound nasty, but the game is a lot of fun. Melt different chocolate bars, smudge them into diapers, and ask guests to identify the chocolate by its smell or appearance. It doesn’t have to be chocolate itself, you can also go with fruit juices, sweets, jams, and candies. Place each diaper into the microwave to melt the candy or chocolate. Keep them slightly open so that it won’t harden or press the diaper together.
Once the game starts, pass all of these diapers around and let them guess what it is. The person who guessed the correct candy bars is the winner. This fun game is guaranteed to bring in some laughs.
2. My Water Broke!
This is a hilarious game that is sure to get your guests’ energy up. Give each guest a small plastic baby figure that is frozen in an ice cube. Instruct them that they should not touch their baby ice cube or take it out of the cup. They should ‘free’ their baby by melting the ice cube using only their hands, breath, or body heat. They cannot bite or use any tools. The first person to melt their ice and get the baby yells “My water broke!” and wins the game.
You can also play other games while waiting for everyone’s water to break. All you need are plastic baby figures, an ice cube tray, and water. You can make these baby figures yourself or buy them online.
3. Baby Bottle Drink Race
This is another hilarious game that is sure to bring out everyone’s competitive side. Fill baby bottles with any drink of your choice, like juice, milk, water, or even soda. Hand them out to the participants and set a timer. The challenge is for the guests to drink from the bottles as fast as possible. Whoever finishes the bottle first is the winner. This game is harder than it seems since the bottle nipples slow the flow.
All you need are baby bottles for each participant and any drink of your choice. This game is also called Bottle Race, Bottle Chugging, and Baby Bottle Drink Off. You cannot go wrong with this lighthearted and silly game.
4. Guess Who?
This is a game that can get all your guests involved. Ask your guests to send you baby photos of themselves in advance or bring them with them to the party. Display all the photos on a board or table. Everyone then guesses which photo belongs to which guest. It is a great way to spark up some conversations and storytelling. Make sure to reach out to them a couple of days before to ask them for their baby photo.
Be flexible on the age, photo style, and quality since it will be difficult to get them all the same. Make sure to get only a copy of the photographs and not the original ones. (You don’t need the responsibility of keeping their precious photos safe!) This game is nostalgic and helps guest share their fond childhood memories.
5. Guess The Baby Food
This is a simple yet hilarious game. Blindfold the participants and give them small spoonfuls of baby food to taste. They have to taste and guess the flavor of it, be it sweet potato, applesauce, or something else. You will need assorted jars of baby food, spoons, and blindfolds. The unexpected flavors will bring in some laughter and fun reactions. Your guests will not forget to play this game.
6. Guess The Belly Size
Another fun and interactive game that is sure to get everyone involved. Guests have to take turns guessing the size of the mom-to-be’s baby bump by cutting a piece of string or ribbon in the length they think will fit perfectly around her belly. Once everyone takes their guesses, the host should measure the actual belly size and compare it with the other string lengths. The closest guess wins the game.
It is easy to set up and gets everyone talking and laughing. All you need are strings or ribbons, scissors, and a measuring tape for this game.
7. How Old Was Mom/Dad
This game is more relaxed and provides a sentimental touch to your evening. Invite guests to write funny, heartfelt, or practical advice for the parents-to-be. It can be practical tips, funny stories, or even words of encouragement. Collect all these on decorative cards or in a keepsake book.
It is a more meaningful game and the advice will be cherished for years to come. You will need cards or a book, pens, and a display area. This game allows guests to share wisdom, humor, or love.
8. Guess How Many Candies
This is a simple and fun game that is perfect for guests of all ages. Fill a jar with candies, crackers, or any small snack items and display it to everyone. Ask each guest to guess how many pieces are in the jar. They should write their guesses on slips of paper and the person who is closest to the actual number will win the jar as the prize!
For this, you will need a jar, candies or crackers, paper, and pens. Make sure to count the candies beforehand so that you know the number of candies. This game is quick to set up, adds a guessing element, and doubles as a prize giveaway!
9. Baby Pictionary
This is a baby-themed twist on the classic drawing game. Write baby-related words like “stroller”, or “diaper bag” on slips of paper and give them to the players to draw. Guests have to guess the words from the drawings. It is an interactive game and works for all age groups. All you need is a whiteboard or drawing pad, markers, and word prompts. Whoever guesses the most right words in the given time is the winner.
It brings out everyone’s artistic side (or lack thereof). It is engaging and always results in a lot of laughter at the often meaningless drawings.
10. Baby Bingo
Baby Bingo is a classic game that’s perfect for keeping guests engaged. It is the classic bingo game with a twist. Here we replace numbers with baby-related words like ‘diaper’, ‘crib’, or ‘pacifier’. Create the bingo cards earlier on or just download the templates online. As the party goes on, guests can mark off the words that they hear. And the first to get five in a row wins a prize.
This is a perfect game if you are looking for low-effort yet great entertainment activities. The game also keeps people alert while other activities like gist opening take place.
Also read: 10 Best Family Board Games For Fun-filled Game Nights
Final Thoughts
Baby Shower games don’t have to be over-the-top to be memorable. The 10 games mentioned here are easy to set up, fun to play, and perfect for breaking the ice and bringing everyone together. No more awkward moments at your party! These games will create some heartfelt moments paired with some intense competition that will make everyone laugh out loud.
So pick the games that will best suit your guest list and the party vibe you are going for. Get ready to create some unforgettable memories and celebrate the parents-to-be.