
TapSwap (TAPS): The Viral Crypto Game On Telegram

By Fotis Dixon


Reviewed by: Fotis Dixon


TapSwap (TAPS)

TapSwap (TAPS), as the name suggests, is a tap-to-earn gaming protocol that has become a recent trend in Telegram. The ease of initiating and accomplishing transactions through this platform is the major reason behind its instant popularity. 

TAPS, the native token of the platform, is currently in the presales stage, and the investors are eagerly looking forward to its official launch on July 1, 2024. The gaming platform has 46 million players at present. If the current love for this tapping game continues, TAPS has the potential to become one of the most profitable crypto coins in the coming years.  

TAPS will be launched on the TON blockchain. So, the token will have an advanced community support and can be accessed in a wide variety of decentralised applications (dApps). 

The success of the TapSwap platform has also increased the popularity of Notcoin, which was also a gaming platform based on Telegram. This gaming platform will boost the use of Telegram as a gaming and earning platform in addition to its messaging utility. 

What Is TapSwap?

TapSwap is a tap-to-earn gaming platform powered by the blockchain technology. The platform has many missions that can be completed to earn TAPS, the on-chain gaming token of the TapSwap platform. 

The platform has become an instant hit all over the world, especially in Nigeria.

The process to earn a TAPS token is quite simple. You only need to tap on the screen of your mobile phone, and TAPS tokens will be mined in response to this activity. There are many tasks on the platform, upon the completion of which, you will earn gold coins or shares. These coins can be exchanged with USDT after the official launch of the token. 

The purpose of TapSwap is to attract more users to cryptocurrency and to retain these users by using the simplified version of the blockchain technology

What Is TapSwap

How To Begin Using The TapSwap Platform?

The platform has a user friendly interface and the transactions are relatively easy from the very beginning of your initiation into the platform. Join the telegram account of the platform by following the link given on the TapSwap website.

Once you reach the telegram account, you will receive a welcome message from the platform. Click on ‘Start’. Then you will receive another message with a ‘Play’ button. Upon clicking on this ‘Play’ button, you will be taken back to the TapSwap Bot, where you can tap to earn TAPS tokens.

How To Earn More Using TapSwap?

TapSwap users earn rewards by simply tapping on the screen. However, there are limits to your daily earnings based on the energy points available. The energy points will increase as you start earning more. The initial stage is the wood stage, where you will only have 0 shares; then you will level up to the Bronze league. You should be owning at least 50 million shares to reach the Mythic level.

Here are some proven methods to increase your earnings on the TapSwap platform and quickly reach the highest level.

  • Referrals: When you join the platform, there is an option for you to refer your friends on the platform. You will be rewarded with TAPS tokens for each referral.
  • Completing Simple Tasks: On the platform, users can earn tokens by completing simple tasks.
  • Boosters: Boosters are specialised entities on the platform that you can use to increase your token earnings. For example, there are energy limit boosters on which you can invest to increase your energy levels. 

Tapping on your mobile screen can sometimes become tedious and energy consuming. In such instances, the above mentioned methods can be used to earn more tokens with less effort. 

The Bottom Line

The TapSwap platform has emerged to be one of the most viable means to earn cryptocurrencies in the future. Users who are not experts in the blockchain technology can also invest in the native token and earn on the platform. ^apSwap will bloom manifold after it is officially launched in various exchanges. 

TapSwap is a fun way to earn big in the digital world. However, you should take care not to be fooled in the name of this platform and should take care to join it only through the links provided on the platform’s official website and social media handles. 

Fotis Dixon

Fotis Dixon is a business expert from the UK. He's written lots of articles about the newest market research and trends, especially on cryptocurrencies. Fotis is good at breaking down different topics to give useful information, helping readers stay updated on emerging trends.

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