
SWAN Airdrop: What You Need To Know!

By Fotis Dixon


Reviewed by: Fotis Dixon


SWAN Airdrop

Swan Chain is airdropping 10,000 SWAN tokens to the early participants in promoting the platform.

Earning up to 20% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is an amazing opportunity. Know more about how to participate in SWAN airdrop and earn rewards.

What is the Swan Chain Platform?

Swan Chain is an AI-powered blockchain network that uses the Ethereum layer 2 technology to provide storage, computing, bandwidth, and payment solutions.

These utilities are provided by the platform at up to 70% lower costs. It is an opportunity for computing service providers to command a stable income using Zero Knowledge (ZK) technology.

The platform uses the most modern technology to power the unique use cases. It integrates Kubernetes into blockchain to power a secure, scalable, and powerful computing network.

A variety of resources can be accessed through its resource pool and global data centers. The ZK technology that the platform leverages provides a sustainable income to the service providers on the platform.

Objectives of Swan Chain Network

The objectives of the Swan Chain network are given below.

  • Creation of a Decentralized Computing Market Powered by AI
    • The core objective of the existence of the Swan Chain is to power a decentralized marketplace for computing. The platform uses the inbuilt resources to train and employ AI models.

      It aims to fill the gap between the resources available and the high demand for AI-based computing projects.

  • Support Web 3 Projects
    • Swan Chain is instrumental in providing a foundational base for the creation of various Web 3 applications such as decentralized applications (dApps).
  • Production and Maintenance of Unique Products on the Network
    • The Swan Chain network has unique products such as Multichain Storage for storing decentralized data, Lagrange for decentralized computing, and Decentralized Task Orchestrator, which assigns various computing tasks across the network.
  • Universal Basic Income Model
    • The Swan Chain platform provides sustainable income to its service providers in tune with the concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI). This encourages more computing service providers to join the Swan Chain platform.

SWAN Tokenomics

The total supply of the SWAN tokens is pegged at 1,000,000,000. How these tokens are distributed for various uses is discussed here.

SWAN Airdrop
  • Investors: 20%

The investors of the platform the basic capital and fund other infrastructure for the platform for its technical development, operations development, and initial marketing.

  • DAO Treasury: 20%

The DAO treasury is instrumental in managing the finances and expenditures for various operational needs. The fund is used for enabling strategic investments and paying the legal costs.

  • Ecosystem Funds: 25%

Ecosystem funds are used to power the ecosystem through grants, projects, and other means to support the developers, startup companies, and other stakeholders who work for the development of the platform.

  • Core Contributors: 15%

This allocation is aimed at supporting the team members and developers who contribute to ongoing innovation and maintenance.

  • Airdrops: 20%

20% of the tokens are reserved for distribution through the crypto airdrops. This is a method to ensure participation in the platform.

How to participate in SWAN Airdrop?

Follow these steps to participate in the SWAN airdrop event.

  1. Connect a suitable cryptocurrency wallet to the SWAN website.
  2. Start following the X handle of the SWAN network.
  3. Check for the available tasks on the platform. Follow the instructions given to complete these tasks and earn points.
  4. After the task is verified, the participants will be given given eligibility to earn the airdrop tokens proportionate to the points they have earned.
  5. Additionally, you can boost your chances of winning airdrop tokens by referring the platform to your friends.

Should you Invest in the Swan Chain Platform to Earn Profit?

Swan Chain is an innovative platform that uses the possibilities of peer-to-peer networking to make modern computing services available for everyone at an affordable price.

SWAN airdrop is the earliest instance at which you can get ownership rights on the platform.

You can contribute to the governance of the platform and ensure stable income through its UBI model.

You can safely invest in the SWAN tokens to get these benefits. However, you should be vigilant about the possible volatility of SWAN tokens and should make informed investment decisions.

Fotis Dixon

Fotis Dixon is a business expert from the UK. He's written lots of articles about the newest market research and trends, especially on cryptocurrencies. Fotis is good at breaking down different topics to give useful information, helping readers stay updated on emerging trends.

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