
Poker Table Positions Explained: Improve Your Game Strategy!

By Luke Hartley


Reviewed by: Luke Hartley


Poker Positions

Poker is a game of skill, strategy, and psychology, and table position is one of the most important factors that can greatly affect the gameplay. Making a wise decision and increasing your chances of winning requires an understanding of poker table positions. The order of play in a standard Texas Hold’em game is determined by the player’s position about the dealer button while they are sitting around a table. 

If you are a new player, then you could probably hear the terms such as ‘Under the Gun, ‘Hijack’, ‘Cutoff’, and ‘Button’ and want to know more about those terms. 

In this article, we will discuss the poker table positions and their importance while playing poker. You will get to know the meaning of these terms soon.

Poker Table Positions

Poker Table Positions

Position simply refers to where a player sits on a poker table. The position of the player is usually defined by the dealer also known as the button. Understanding poker table positions is essential for strategic play in poker games like Texas Hold’em. The poker table positions are categorized into the following:

  • Early Position
  • Middle Position
  • Late Position

➡️Early Position(EP)

In an early position, you are in a worse position because you only have little information about the strength of your opponent’s hands. It refers to the three seats to the left side of the button. There are 3 positions that come under the early position.

  • Small Blind(SB): In this position, the player is positioned to the immediate left of the dealer. That is the first player. The position requires the player to act first in every betting round except the initial one.
  • Big Blind(BB): In this position, the player is positioned to the immediate left of the small blind player and usually double the small blind. The big blind also acts first in the post-flop betting rounds.
  • Under the Gun(UTG): The player to the immediate left of the big blind. This means the pressure you are under in this position. It is considered the most challenging because the UTG player acts first after the blinds in the first round of betting.

➡️Middle Position(MP)

This position is to the left of the UTG Player, that is the left of the last early-positioned player. It is considered a better position because the player has more information on how early position players are acting. The middle-positioned players can widen the range slightly compared to early-positioned players. It helps to make more informed decisions.

➡️Late Position(LP)

The late position is where you can play the most hands and be the most aggressive. With the benefit of acting last, you can observe the actions of all players before you. You will be able to make more money by using this position. There are 2 positions that come under the late position.

  • The Hijack: The player is positioned two seats to the right of the dealer or button. This position is strong as it allows the player to play aggressively with a wider range of hands.
  • The Cutoff(CO): The player to the immediate right of the dealer. The cutoff is a powerful position because you have only one player, the button, to act after you.

Importance of Understanding Poker Positions

While playing poker, being in position offers significant advantages. Below are the reasons for understanding the importance of position in poker.

  • Information Advantage: Players in late positions can see how the opponents acct before making decisions. It allows them to make better-informed choices. 
  • More Free Cards: Position gives you the chance to grab a ‘free card’ in the event that your opponent checks to you when you are in a draw and looks back to see the next community card.
  • Control over the Pot: It is simpler for players to control the pot size in their favor because they can set the rules for betting patterns.
  • Increased Bluffing Opportunities: Late-positioned players can bluff more effectively since they have observed the opponent’s actions.

Also Read: Online Poker vs Live Poker: 6 Key Differences You Need To Know!


Understanding and using poker table positions is essential to enhancing your level of play. Understanding the effect on strategy of every position can help you make better choices, stay away from costly errors, and take advantage of the weaknesses of your opponent. Gaining knowledge in poker table positions will greatly improve your overall poker strategy and increase your chances of winning.

One major factor contributing to the importance of table seating arrangements is poker positioning. Late positions are the favorite of experienced players since they let you act last after every other player has revealed their action. The early position is considered the worst position because the player do not have any information about other players.

Luke Hartley

British crypto casino writer and analyst. Experienced NFT investor with a background in traditional casinos. Provides balanced insights on digital gambling trends.

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