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Phoenix Memecoin ($PHNX) Launches, Combining Cutting-Edge Tokenomics with Community-Driven Vision

By Eric George


Reviewed by: Eric George


Phoenix Memecoin

Another enthusiastically awaited event has happened in the crypto world with the official launch of Phoenix Memecoin ($PHNX). This meme coin, which symbolizes rebirth and innovation, has captured the attention of crypto enthusiasts with its deft combination of technology and innovative tokenomics.

The distinguishing feature of the Phoenix meme coin is its inclusion of the community in its development activities.

During the presales stage, which ends 19 days after the writing of this article, The PHNX tokens are sold at a discounted price of 1 SOL=2000 PHNX.

The token has dedicated pages on all social media platforms such as X, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, etc through which the token is promoted throughout the crypto world.


The limited supply of PHNX tokens is distributed in the following ratio for various use cases.

  • Presale: 30%
  • Community and Rewards: 10%
  • Team and Development: 10%
  • Liquidity for CEX and DEX Listings: 50%
Phoenix Memecoin ($PHNX)

The amount of money gathered from the presales stage of the token will be spent in the following ways to fuel the future development and innovation of the platform.

  • 15% locked for liquidity on Raydium: This ensures the coin’s stability
  • 10% paid to the team
  • 20% reserved for future CEX listings
  • 30% for partnerships and marketing
  • 25% for coin buyback

The Key Features of the Phoenix Memecoin Platform

The key features of the Phoenix meme coin platform that make it a great choice for anyone contemplating venturing into the meme coin ecosystem are given below.

Innovative Tokenomics

The token distribution of the PHNX tokens for various use cases is thoughtfully distributed to cater to future ecosystem development. 30% of the total token supply is allocated for being sold at the presales.

The amount of presales tokens that can be purchased by a single person is limited to 30 SOL. This is to ensure participation by a wider population and to prevent coins from being concentrated in the hands of fraudulent people who may manipulate the purpose of the platform.

Half of the total number of tokens is allocated to ensure liquidity of the tokens during their listing in various cryptocurrency exchanges. This is enough evidence to show that the Phoenix platform is dedicated to making it big in the memecoin market.

Thoughtful Allocation of the Funds Collected through Presales

Equally important as tokenomics is the thoughtful allocation of the funds collected from the presales event for various developmental purposes.

A significant share of the fund has been allocated for each use case such as marketing, token listing, ensuring liquidity, community and team development, etc. The platform has ensured that every aspect of the development of the token is adequately funded.

Community Development

A strong and dedicated community is the pillar of strength for any memecoin community. 10% of the total tokens are allotted for spearheading community development activities and encouraging rewards infrastructure of the token.

The members of the community are adequately rewarded for promoting the PHNX coins on various platforms and contributing to building the liquidity of the tokens in the market.

The community members are also responsible for contributing to the governance and innovation of the platform.

Transparency and Security

Transparency and security are of prime importance for any blockchain-powered ecosystem.

The Phoenix meme coin network is very transparent about its daily operations and ensures that the community members are updated about every development on the platform.

As it is a decentralized platform and the community members are the major decision-makers of the platform, it is easy for them to ensure their security without employing a third party.


The Phoenix meme coin platform has set up a detailed roadmap showing each stage of its development such as token launch, listing on various exchanges, community development activities, and rewarding schedules.


Like any other meme coin platform, it is the Phoenix community that decides on the governance of the platform instead of a centralized authority. Therefore, governance decisions are tailored to address the specific needs and requirements of the platform.

Phoenix Academy

Phoenix platform has an academy of its own that imparts education and knowledge about the meme coin business. The members of the community are given free guidance.

The Bottom Line

With the launch of the Phoenix meme coin platform, a new era of meme coin revolution is dawning, and the competence of the platform based on its cutting-edge tokenomics and innovative use of technology is indeed a valuable addition to the development of meme coins as a serious contender in the world finance.

Eric George

Eric George, a retired journalist, focused primarily on market research and current tech trends. With a career spanning news media, he made significant contributions to understanding the intersection of technology and finance. Today, he continues to engage with these topics in various capacities

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