
The Story Of Miss Bitcoin: Mai Fujimoto’s Influence On Crypto

By Eric George


Reviewed by: Eric George


The Story Of Miss Bitcoin

Mai Fujimoto, eminently known as “Miss Bitcoin” is a Japanese national who later in her life went on to become the founder and chief executive officer of Gracone Inc, a Tokyo-based blockchain and cryptocurrency consultancy.

In the world of business, she became famous for her kind nature and stood out amongst others for her business acumen and unending passion for Cryptocurrency.

Mai Fujimoto’s Beginnings: The Story Before Miss Bitcoin

Mai Fujimoto herself describes that her entrepreneurial journey was possible only because of a combination of luck, smarts, and sheer will. She herself once admitted that she never had an idea of what it meant to be an employee.

Mai Fujimoto was always a very curious person. She had always followed her intuition and gut feelings to follow up with what she was interested in.

In her earlier years in college, she quit the university and took up a sales job as she found it to be much more engaging and interesting than her classroom life. She proved herself to be a great saleswoman, bringing a large number of audience with her wherever she went.

 Her skills in sales made her the leading saleswoman in the company and proved her worthiness in a daring act of willpower and determination. 

She later went on to work in a children’s modeling agency called ikids Inc (Kids-Tokei). 

Mai Fujimoto's Beginnings

From Start To Success: Mai Fujimoto’s Career Path

It was when she was working in ‘ikids’ that she happened to be introduced to Roger Ver, a businessman and cryptocurrency enthusiast who was so devotedly invested in Bitcoin that it earned him a name: “Bitcoin Jesus”.

It is said that it was this conversation that convinced Fujimoto to explore the possibilities of Cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

Roger explained to her about the potential to make cross-border transactions directly, without using a bank with almost no cost with the adaptation of Bitcoin.

Fujimoto took the concept into her mind and started her journey toward becoming “Miss Bitcoin”.

she started by incorporating Bitcoin transaction technology to make cross-border donations easier and cost-effective for everyone.

It was in 2013 that she gained wide recognition as the “Miss Bitcoin”. She spoke at various industry conferences and other business gatherings, attended social media forums, and even put effort into learning about the nuances of the technology despite the learning curve and the language barrier she had faced.

Mai Fujimoto leveraged her newfound knowledge and recognition and set up a donation platform called Kizuna,  which worked as a non-profit organization to support programs in education and music for kids.

She set up crowdfunding campaigns with Bitcoin payments and supported a large number of students to fulfill their dream of an education.

Her later business endeavors included the setting up of Gracone Inc, a Tokyo-based blockchain and cryptocurrency consultancy.

Nowadays most people who are in the Bitcoin industry might not even recognize her name but it is without a doubt that they must have heard of the one who is referred to as “Miss Bitcoin”.

Also, Read: Strategic Tips On When To Buy And Sell Your Bitcoin

Business Philosophy

Mai Fujimoto seems to have believed in the power of the people and community.

 It was through their combined support and attention that she was able to realize her dreams and make so much progress with her ventures. 

It was also this combined with her knowledge and good-mindedness that pulled people toward her like gravity. Her ability to make something special out of nothingness is quite unlike anything we have ever seen.

 The humble beginning that she had and the rocky path she had to walk through should helped her overcome rejection and disapproval.

Concluding Remarks

The story of Mai Fujimoto is inspiring in many ways. It is the story of a businesswoman who used her skill to enlighten and change the lives of many people, it is also the story of one of the most kind-hearted and generous person to ever exist in the world.

The efforts she took with just the motivation and curiosity that she got from a single conversation changed the world of millions of people and will most probably continue to change the lives of millions more.

It is pretty clear that if she could give one advice to all those who look up to her it would be to keep learning and to keep improving themselves and to never give up.

Eric George

Eric George, a retired journalist, focused primarily on market research and current tech trends. With a career spanning news media, he made significant contributions to understanding the intersection of technology and finance. Today, he continues to engage with these topics in various capacities

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