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Innovative Solutions By Marathon Digitals Transform The Bitcoin Mining Landscape

By Eric George


Reviewed by: Eric George


Marathon Digitals Bitcoin mining

Marathon Digitals, an American company focused on technological innovation in the field of cryptocurrency mining, has announced innovations in the field of bitcoin mining. These innovations are thought to fuel the future of the mining process.

The innovations will power Bitcoin mining using renewable energy resources. As per the sources, Marathon Digitals will combine with companies that provide hydroelectric power sources to fuel their mining operations.

This step is crucial at this stage where bitcoin mining companies are embracing sustainable energy usage as bitcoin enters a new phase with the recent halving event.

Energy usage has always been a concern in the cryptocurrency field, therefore it is a timely decision on the part of Marathon Digitals to embrace green energy in the field of Bitcoin mining.

More about Marathon Digitals

Marathon Digitals is a technology-based company in the United States. In 2021, the company purchased pieces of equipment for Bitcoin mining and ventured into the field. The company aims to tackle unused energy sources for various uses.

Marathon Digitals

The company is based on three major pillars.

  • Utility Scale Computing: The utility-scale computing measures of the company make use of measures to monetize the excess energy produced from renewable sources.
  • Energy Harvesting: The company’s innovative business model is aimed at harvesting energy from unconventional sources such as waste products, byproducts of food processing, and flared gas from oil fields and converting them into electricity. 
  • Technology Suite: The native technology suite of Marathon Digitals has an advanced cooling technology called 2PIC which is exceptionally good in performance and energy efficiency even in times of great energy needs.

Marathon digitals make calculated efforts in terms of serving the causes of climate, culture, and community.

In terms of dealing with adverse climatic conditions, Marathon Digitals is set to achieve carbon neutrality in the future by eliminating all kinds of emissions. This is made possible by using sustainable energy sources such as Solar energy, Wind energy, Hydel energy, etc.

There are also provisions for some of their major data centers to mitigate the emission of methane gas. For instance, a specific project in Finland aims to warm a particular resident community using the heat emitted from the data centers of Marathon Digitals.

The cultural aspects of the company’s work include the following goals.

  • Do What’s Right
  • CANI (Constant and Never-Ending Improvement)
  • Trust
  • Clarity of Communication
  • Readiness and Urgency
  • Having a Solution Mindset
  • Integrity and Transparency
  • Reliability

The company’s community-based activities are aimed at enhancing the daily activities of the local data centers, creating more job opportunities for the community, and making provisions to make sure that the local bodies are getting the benefits of the tax.

They also involve the local community in their daily activities by giving them more job opportunities, helping the local businesses to grow by procuring goods and services from them, and supporting schools, hospitals, and other community works.

The support that Marathon Digital extends to decentralized financial networks such as Bitcoin is aimed at uplifting the digital network by solidifying financial inclusion and empowering the whole world to enjoy financial freedom. They also support many organizations that work in the field of Bitcoin such as

  • Bitcoin Policy Institute
  • Brink
  • Texas A&M
  • Summer of Bitcoin
  • Women in Bitcoin

The Relevance of Marathon Digital in Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining is an energy-intensive project where new blocks are mined and added to the network using mathematically intensive cryptographic measures, encryption, coding, and other technologies.

Bitcoin mining requires high energy in the form of electricity. The electricity consumed by the mining process can be as high as the total electricity consumed by certain countries.

This can make the whole process pretty expensive and can result in the depletion of natural energy sources.

This is where such companies as Marathon Digitals come into play. The decision of the company to power its mining operations using green energy and its efforts at including the local community and upholding the local culture are useful to guarantee the efficiency and long-term viability of the Bitcoin mining process.

It will also ensure that sustainable energy usage contributes to upholding equity in the field of Bitcoin mining.

Eric George

Eric George, a retired journalist, focused primarily on market research and current tech trends. With a career spanning news media, he made significant contributions to understanding the intersection of technology and finance. Today, he continues to engage with these topics in various capacities

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