
How To Improve Your Poker Face? Tips And Tricks!

By Luke Hartley


Reviewed by: Luke Hartley


Poker Face

The poker face is a vital talent that can influence a game’s outcome; it is more than just a facial expression. The ability to hide your feelings and intentions can be quite helpful while negotiating, playing poker, or interacting with other players. Maintaining a sense of mystery while playing poker makes it harder for opponents to read your mind or figure out what your next move will be. 

This article will discuss the practical tips and tricks to help you become an expert at maintaining a poker face. 

Tips and tricks to Improve your Poker Face

Poker Face In Casino

The following tips and tricks will help you improve your poker face.

✅ Your face Should be Relaxed

The first clue that could lose you is a hand of poker in your face. A crucial aspect of poker is controlling your feelings and responses to the hands that are dealt to you. Any kind of communication gives up control when dealing with competitors. Since nobody knows what you are thinking or going to do, hiding your reactions gives you power.

✅ Keep your Eyes on other players

You can gain the upper hand by making eye contact with players and demonstrating your frightening and self-assured attitude. Keeping eyes on players demonstrates your lack of secrets, leaving them unaware of what they can expect from you. Focus on the bridge of their nose to remain focused.

Another way to lose your poker face is to focus too much on your cards or stare out into space. It implies that you are either not paying attention or that you are worried about your players and hand. Remember to blink to keep your eyes from drying up as you focus. Blinking too much can indicate anxiety, so moderation is the key. 

Excessive staring can lead to bad posture and hunched shoulders. Visually focusing too much on one player or item may also be distracting and cause you to miss your chance to play.

✅ Maintain a Tight Lipline and a Relaxed Jaw

Your mouth serves as the primary support for the muscles in your face, so any strain, smile, or frown will have an effect on the remaining facial muscles. First, open up the area between your back teeth by relaxing your jaw. To further aid in relaxation, open and close your mouth a few times. Keep your teeth hidden, visible teeth indicate movement in your mouth and that can be used to identify you. Avoid clenching your teeth since the pressure exerted on your teeth can be seen in your jaw.

✅ Look Directly Ahead

Stay away from looking up, left, or right using your eyes. Whether it is a strong or poor hand or cards, all of them are tells, or tiny hints to your opposite players that you are hiding something. Reduce your eye movements. Your reaction might be revealed by even the smallest blink or raised eyebrow.

✅ Pay Attention to your Breathing

Your breath is an excellent place to start if you are having trouble finding something else to concentrate on. It is well known that stress alters respiratory patterns. Generally, when you are nervous, your breathing is short and rapid. Instead, try taking some deep, slow breaths; you might be able to settle yourself down. Under high-stakes circumstances, lowering anxiety or even just appearing less anxious is essential. 

✅ Refrain from Altering your Clothing or Physique or Fidgeting

Minute twitches are a major clue to your emotions. Whether you are worried or excited. Make a mental note of any small movements that you may be experiencing due to anxious energy. Keep an eye on yourself to make sure you are not exhibiting any of the actions such as pulling your shirt sleeves, collar, or tie, biting your nails, rubbing your cheeks, etc.

✅ Maintain a Steady and Composed Tone of Voice

Your voice has the ability to convey your feelings as well. It is easy for your opposite players to pick up on a voice shake or an octave jump during an argument. To ensure that you have sufficient air to speak in a neutral tone, clear your throat or inhale deeply before speaking.

Also Read: What Is ICM In Poker? Master ICM Strategy For Better Wins!


Improving your poker face is an important skill that you can also use outside of the poker table. By following the above-mentioned tips and tricks, you can improve your ability to hide your actual goals and emotions. Remember that practice and self-awareness are the keys to a good poker face. In the end, having a great poker face empowers you in social situations and enables you to skillfully negotiate the aspects of interpersonal communication and it will help you win at games of chance.

Luke Hartley

British crypto casino writer and analyst. Experienced NFT investor with a background in traditional casinos. Provides balanced insights on digital gambling trends.

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