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GTA 6 Rumors And Facts: Release Date, Map, Trailer, And Leaks

By Eric George


Reviewed by: Eric George



Are you excited for the release of GTA 6? If you are not, you will not be reading this news.

Recently, there have been rumors all over regarding the release of GTA 6, and the new features that it’s gonna have. We came across the news that some major data regarding the game had leaked.

GTA 6 Release Date

When do we expect to see the release of GTA 6? Despite the fact that everyone out there wants it to be released as soon as possible, you can only expect it to come out by next year.

The latest reports hint that GTA 6 release date may go beyond 2025. However, the trailer has announced a 2025 release window in its first trailer that was released.

The CEO of GTA’s parent company suggested that the mega-release of the game could take place during the autumn of 2025.

There are plans that the release date of GTA 6 may take place on December 5, 2025. However, we would have to wait until then to know more about that.

GTA 6 Game Leaks

Have the details of the game leaked? What did you hear about the game? We have compiled all the data available out there and have compiled them.

Let us read all the available information about the game. Its release date, gameplay play, and more, there are assumptions that GTA 6 has some new charters in it.

The rumors indicate that the new game could present us with some new locations. Moreover, considerable changes are expected in the gameplay too.

GTA 6 Gameplay Leaks

What do we know about the new gameplay of GTA 6? The talk out there suggests that there could be new activities in the game.

The new introductions are not limited to the activities there are new sports rumors too. There are also suggestions that new locations should be introduced. Let us look more into all that.

Does GTA 6 have new sports and activities?

One of the most trending leaks suggests that there could be new activities for the charades in the game. It is expected that GTA 6 may come with new sports that were never in the previous games.

The rumored sports activities supposed to be in the game are the 3vs Basketball mini-game. You can also expect the GYM to be there during the game.

Another sport expected to be in GTA 6 is bowling. However, bowling was also present in the GTA 4 gameplay.

Also, there are leaks that GTA 6 may come up with Wingsuit activity. However, note that these are only the rumors and the lead information.

We can not be so sure of the leaked information as they may not always be from trusted sources. Therefore, you should not expect to see all the rumored features in the game.

GTA 6 New Characters?

How long have you been playing GTA for? Have you been a fan of the game all your life? There are people who love GTA more than any other game and we also know people who play GTA every single day of their lives.

Many have said that playing the game is a stress relief for them, while some others just enjoy playing the game.


Here we look at the new characters that could be unveiled in this most anticipated game. Let us first address the question, ‘Are there any?’

After examining the details provided in a detailed document regarding GTA 6 by a few GTAForums, it seems that GTA 6 may feature some new characters. It has already been said that there will be two main characters in the game.

They are named Jason and Lucia. In addition to serving as the protagonist of the game, they are a couple as well.

 The game revolves around their lives, the way they face the challenges, and the tasks and missions that they have to complete to reach the next level in the game.

Other than these two, you could also meet other characters named Dre, Billy, Wyman, Kai, Zach, and Sam. However, these new characters would not serve as the main ones.

They could be the friends of the protagonists or they could also serve as new contacts in the game.

GTA 6 New Locations

Some leaked videos suggest that there may be new locations in GTA 6. After watching these leaked videos of the game, we expect there could be an Underwater Research Facility in the game.

The video also shows an Abandoned Research Outpost in the game. Another new location that could be there in the game is an Abandoned Observatory.

The character of the game could reach these places. We don’t know the actual purpose of these new locations in the game.

You may have it sit there as part of the gameplay. Your missions might require you to visit these locations. There could be new mysteries revolving around these locations.

You have to sit in these places and find something, your mission may be to find these places and so on.

There is speculation that these places can be an in-game replica of the real location that actually exists. Or it can be completely imaginary with no reference to the real word at all.

The names of the locations suggest that these parts are not properly functioning and they are abandoned. However, these locations may not be the ruins of some places that actually existed.

You may not find any employees or workers here, but they may serve the actual purpose that they were situated for.

Other suggestions say that there could be a location in the game replicating the real-life Kennedy Space Center. Another rumor suggests that the underwater facility in the game may be based on the new Mount Chiliad Mystery.

Furthermore, there are suggestions that there could be hidden Easter Eggs in the game. Our mission may ask you to find the eggs and some top analysts think that this could be like the Jurassic Park movie.

Also, Read: Top-Rated PS5 Games: The Definitive List

GTA 6 Trailer 2 released?

The first trailer of GTA 6 was already released. The gamers were excited for trailer 2 to be out soon. However, there are reports that suggest the trailer 2 got leaked before its scheduled date.

In this, more than 90 videos are revealed. Along with the videos, multiple screenshots of the gameplay and images of the game were leaked. It was from this leak that we were able to know about many of the details of the game.

We await the great release of the game just like any of you. One thing is sure GTA 6 has kept the bar too high and it is going to be a quite ambitious game setup.

Eric George

Eric George, a retired journalist, focused primarily on market research and current tech trends. With a career spanning news media, he made significant contributions to understanding the intersection of technology and finance. Today, he continues to engage with these topics in various capacities

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