Market Research, Opinions

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK): The Meme Coin To Watch In 2024

By Stephen Carter


Reviewed by: Stephen Carter


Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) is a new figure in the meme coin market, which is built on the Solana network. It was in the news recently as a potential meme coin explosion of 2024.

As the name suggests, Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) is yet another Pepe meme featuring an angry frog. The platform defines it as a symbol of defiance and hope.

The platform is confident about its prospective durability in the market. Its developers claim that this Pepe coin will surpass all the odds to emerge as a valuable token in the market.


Before we move any further, let us discuss the tokenomics of the APORK token, which is the cryptocurrency used for various utility purposes on the platform.

Total Supply: 1.9 billion

Presale Allocation: 20% (380,000,000)

Staking: 15% (285,000,000)

Project Treasury – Locked for 2 Years: 15% (285,000,000)

Liquidity: 10% (190,000,000)

Marketing: 25% (475,000,000)

Ecosystem Rewards and Buybacks: 10% (190,000,000)

Exchanges:5% (80,000,000)

A major thing to note about APORK tokens is that they have a limited supply of 1.9 billion. No more tokens can be mined. This method ensures the high value of the token at all times due to the market scarcity of the tokens.

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)

APORK Staking

Investors who are interested in investing in this seemingly prospective meme token can stake the tokens. The staking process of the platform provides the community with earning potential.

At present, the staking is available in three lock periods or vesting periods. During this time the tokens will be locked and cannot be used for any transactions. That means the staked amount of the tokens will cause scarcity in the market and increase the demand for the token, thereby increasing the price of the token.

The staking periods of APORK tokens are as given here.

  • 30-Day Period: Beginners who would like to get a feel of the APORK tokens can stake the token for the 30-day period.

  • 60-Day Period: The seasoned cryptocurrency traders who are experienced enough about the market’s nuances can consider investing for a 60-day period.

  • 90-Day Period: The veterans in the crypto market can stake the tokens for 90 days.

Staking is an important exercise to counter the status quo of APORK tokens and ensure high prices for the tokens.

The Roadmap of Angry Pepe Fork’s Development

Angry Pepe Fork is developed through six stages.

  1. The APORK token’s website and white paper were released in the initial stage itself. Its tokenomics was finalized and published.

    Moreover, the platform’s smart contracts were audited to mitigate any possible risks.

  2. In the second stage, plans for the marketing efforts of the tokens were completed and it was launched on all major social media platforms.

    All the preparations for the presales launch were completed in this stage.

  3. The presales of APORK tokens were launched in the third stage. The marketing programs were launched simultaneously.

    Earnings and incentives for the community participation of the members were unveiled during the third stage.

  4. The fourth stage of development will be the preparation phase for the APORK token launch. In this stage, the potential DEXs and CEXs where the APORK tokens can be launched will be identified.

  5. The fifth stage is the token launch stage when the APORK tokens will be officially launched on all major cryptocurrency exchanges.

    At this stage the presales period will end and APORK token will be distributed to those investors who purchased it during the presales period.

  6. The details of the sixth stage are yet to be determined.

Is APORK Token a Profitable Token in 2024?

APORK token was in the news lately as the token is expected to beat the dominance of Gala Games (GALA) and Toncoin (TON) in 2024. This is because of APORK tokens’ “Conquer to Earn ” approach that calls the investors to join the community to earn rewards and incentives.

The expected price rise of the token by 200% during the presales stage and 35% after the official launch is a testimonial to the popularity of the APORK token.

The presales stage is the best time to buy the token and enjoy the benefits of the token at an early stage. You can directly buy it from the token’s website.

Stephen Carter

Stephen Carter is a software technology expert. He writes about market research on various hot topics like cryptocurrencies, explaining how they started. He's good at making complicated tech ideas easy to understand for everyone.

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